Education at Amsterdam Science Park

Collaborate with talent

Amsterdam Science Park is a true talent incubator. Buzzing with ambitious, highly motivated students and promising young researchers, this is where you can find the talent you need to take your company to the next level.

Startup village

The University of Amsterdam (UvA) is one of Europe’s most prominent research universities. It offers more than 18 world leading science-based master’s programmes. As home to UvA’s Faculty of Science  and Amsterdam University College, Amsterdam Science Park gives your company access to the thinkers and innovators behind the scientific breakthroughs of the future. Student enrolment in science-based programmes at these prestigious institutes increases every year. This means an ever-growing pool of highly skilled young talent.


"We are always ready to help companies navigate and capitalise on the ever-evolving landscape of AI"

“At Bit, we empower the world’s leading brands by harnessing the power of AI to streamline their work processes. On average, organisations spend at least 20% of their time on secondary processes like risk management, supply chain operations, and customer service. Our AI-driven solutions enable businesses to significantly enhance, and in some cases automate, these critical tasks, resulting in substantial gains for every company.

We pay close attention to the challenges faced by businesses and strive to bridge the gap between academic discoveries and practical innovation. By leveraging the wealth of knowledge within the scientific community, we transform groundbreaking inventions into actionable innovations with a 10x business case. Our strong collaboration with the University of Amsterdam and its renowned AI professors at the Science Park is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Our ability to attract the top 1% of university talent each year is a key differentiator for Bit. Our innovative work environment and exposure to the latest emerging technologies ensure that we are always ready to help companies navigate and capitalise on the ever-evolving landscape of AI.”

Marco van der Werf, founder of Bit and the Bit Academy

Find the talent you’re looking for

As the driving force behind exciting scientific innovations, young talent is one of a company’s most valuable assets. Bringing fresh perspectives, brilliant minds and boundless energy, graduate students, PhD candidates and young researchers are the key to growth and success. Teaming up with Amsterdam Science Park means endless opportunities to attract and collaborate with tomorrow’s top researchers and leading scientists. Attend networking events, sync up with startups and participate in established programmes with students and young researchers to develop breakthrough innovations.


  • How does collaborating with talent benefit my business?

    The ability to respond successfully to changing circumstances is essential for companies of all sizes. And innovation is key to growth. In a world where technology is advancing at great speed, it can be difficult to stay on top of developments and anticipate trends. Working with top-level students and talented young researchers is an effective way to tap into the most up-to-date knowledge and harness the latest advances. Talent is a valuable resource – and top talent is scarce. By establishing productive relationships with those just embarking of their professional careers, companies can recruit the best minds and build a pool of talent for the future.

  • How can my company collaborate with students at Amsterdam Science Park?

    The park is home to a number of established university-run programmes, which connect students, researchers and academics with entrepreneurs and companies in sectors ranging from AI to agri-business and sustainability. All these programmes welcome approaches from companies looking for the support of bright young students in dealing with their challenges. Collaborations can range from short-term internships and ad-hoc research projects to long-term strategic relationships.


  • How can I connect with students at Amsterdam Science Park?

    Alongside the established programmes that facilitate collaborations between young talents and business, there are other, more informal channels to connect with students and junior researchers. And you don’t have to be based at Amsterdam Science Park to tap into its talent. Regular networking events, meetups, demonstrations and open days offer visitors the chance to get to know the park’s talent ecosystem and discover opportunities for collaboration and recruitment.

Collective Futures

Collective Futures is a minor programme for master’s students from science faculties (UvA and other universities). As part of the programme, students work in interdisciplinary teams to find creative solutions to a real-world challenge faced by a company or societal organisation. Companies with a question that needs a fresh perspective or an innovative idea that needs researching can become  partners. A team of two to three highly motivated MSc students, guided by experienced consultants, mentors and academic supervisors, will dive into the problem – giving the students valuable experience and partners a scientifically sound solution. Join hands with the University of Amsterdam and a team of second-year MSc students to help your organization make meaningful change. We seek project collaborators who share our vision and support our students’ development.

LAB42: hub for developing AI talent

LAB42 is Amsterdam Science Park’s international hub for the development of talent in the field of digital innovation and artificial intelligence (AI). The base for students and researchers from the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC) and UvA’s Informatics Institute, it also offers space to SMEs and startups working in the field. Combining academia, business and cutting-edge research under one roof, LAB42 facilitates partnerships and collaboration. As well as labs, offices and teaching rooms, the building features open-plan spaces for meetings, presentations and informal interactions. It’s home to a vibrant community whose members exchange ideas and knowledge to create tech innovations and put them into practice.

Amsterdam Green Campus: solutions for agri-food business

Amsterdam Green Campus is a network of five educational institutions at university, vocational and higher professional levels. It works with agri-food businesses, farmers and policymakers to find effective and sustainable solutions to the problems they face. The project tackles the entire agriculture chain, from idea to marketing and production and welcomes approaches from companies and entrepreneurs looking for help in solving a sustainability issue. Amsterdam Green Campus aims to act as a catalyst for cooperation between universities, research institutes, local government, business and talent to accelerate the transition to a sustainable society.

SustainaLab: centre of sustainability expertise

The SustainaLab is a scientific co-creation hub for research, entrepreneurship and education in the field of sustainability. Tackling sustainability challenges successfully requires an interdisciplinary approach, and the SustainaLab draws on talent not only from UvA’s Faculty of Science but also the university’s humanities, social sciences and behavioural sciences faculties. Companies can connect with students and young researchers informally, but also in a more structured way. SMEs can benefit from offering internships to students for a short-term research project, while companies with greater financial resources may want to invest in longer-term relationships with PhD researchers.

Connecting and collaborating with talent at Amsterdam Science Park

From major long-term partnerships to ad-hoc research projects and short-term internships, the possibilities to connect and collaborate with talent at Amsterdam Science Park are many and varied. For companies ready and willing to open their doors to bright young minds, the benefits are potentially limitless. It could be that a future Nobel Prize winner is here waiting to be given a chance by your company. Seize the chance, secure the future and connect to them now.

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Anikka Fulop

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