Workshop Research Contracts & Intellectual Property by IxA

Workshop Research Contracts & Intellectual Property

What should you take into account in collaborations with an external partner? What do you need to settle in a contract? Who is authorised to sign and should Intellectual Property (IP) always be included in a contract? In this workshop we will answer all these questions and we will also discuss IP and patenting briefly.

For whom?

The workshop is open to scientists from Amsterdam UMC, HvA, UvA, VU, the NWO Institutes and KNAW.


Subscribe now!

If you want to join this workshop please complete the registration form below.
For more information please contact Caroline Kleine Staarman at 020 – 59 86 916 or


Breakfast sessions

IXA organises a series of workshops on various topics of valorisation in the form of breakfast sessions. The workshops are very practical to get you started immediately.
Participation is free of charge but registration is required. Breakfast will be served.

How can we help you?

Looking for partners to collaborate. Or looking for a certain expertise? Or would you like to locate your business in the Amsterdam Science Park? Drop us a line and we help you to find a perfect match.

Leo le Duc Science & Business
For business inquiries contact

Leo Le Duc

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