ICAI Launch Pad Cafe: Data science and Dutch job market overview

ICAI has initiated the Launch Pad together with the Netherlands AI Coalition with the aim to connect AI talent with organisations in the Dutch ecosystem by providing a matchmaking process between AI-PhD students and Dutch companies looking for AI talent.

There are no costs involved either for the organisations nor the students. We do this on none-profit base.

We believe that the Netherlands offers great opportunities in the field of AI for our top AI experts.

Meetup Program

12.00 (noon): Opening

12:05: Introduction of ICAI “Launch Pad” program by Maarten de Rijke (ICAI)

12:10: “Data science and AI Dutch job market overview ” by Kai Lemkes (Future Impact)


1. The misusage of function titles in this domain
2. The most used function titles
3. The most requested technics & tools
4. What covid did to the market
5. Job Interviews nowadays

12:40: Q&A
13.00: End
